COD/BOD Treatment
These systems are for the waste water with high concentration and high load of COD/BOD. After per-treatment, it is applied biological treatment followed by chemical treatment.
Depend on the quality of the raw water, coagulation treatment may be applied instead of biological treatment.

These methods combine the features of biological treatment and the features of chemical treatment.
- The biological treatment or the coagulatiqn treatment with low running cost
reduces the most of pollution load, and controls fthe total running cost. - Suitable forthe treated water where itjs difficult to sattsfy the standards only with biological treatment, and for wastewater whose operation is not stable with biological treatment.
- lf the biological treatment causes a temporary problem, the quality of wastewater able to maintain only by the chemical treatment until recovery of the biological treatment.
Waste water treatment for Chemicals production, Leachate treatment for Industrial waste disposal site
Leachate treatment for Industrial waste disposal site
This is the achievement which is planed to the Leachate treatment for Industrial waste
disposal site.
It is planed for the waste water with high load of COD and Ammonium-nitrogen. We
3pplied ammonia stripping system followedbybiological treatment (MBR).AfterMBR, it is applied hypochlorite dosing system for decomposing COD.
Waste water treatment for Chemicals production
This is the achievement which is applied to the waste water treatment for the Chemicals production.
It is planed for the waste water with high load of COD and Ammonium-nitrogen. We applied ammonia stripping system followed by coagulation of COD. After coagulation, it is applied electro-oxidation system for decomposing COD.